Asthma Allergy Immunology

Asthma Allergy Immunology

2017, Vol 15, Num, 3     (Pages: 115-122)

High Serum Immunoglobulin E Levels are not Always Due to an Allergy: Hints for Evaluation of the Etiology

Şevket Arslan 1, A. Zafer Çalışkaner 1,

1 Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Meram Tıp Fakültesi, İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, İmmünoloji Allerji Bilim Dalı, Konya, Türkiye

DOI: 10.21911/aai.5019
Viewed: 1045
Downloaded : 4693

The constant progress of medical science has made it necessary to specialize on various fields. There are now many new disciplines in internal medicine and surgery.

However, some beliefs continue with little change despite this specialization. A good example to these is considering allergy first in patients with significant eosinophilia or high IgE levels.

In this article, we discuss the differential diagnosis of high IgE levels with information on the causes, when it should be investigated, and the relevant clinical findings and evaluations.

Keywords : IgE elevated, allergy, immunodeficiency