Asthma Allergy Immunology

Asthma Allergy Immunology

2010, Vol 8, Num, 3     (Pages: 180-188)

Investigation of pollens in the atmosphere of Camkoru (Ankara)

İlginç KIZILPINAR 1, Cahit DOĞAN 1,

1 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümü, Botanik Anabilim Dalı, Ankara, Türkiye

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Objective: In pathogenesis of diseases like asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema, pollens are one of the important factor that determines its clinic. The taxa which of pollen seen in the atmosphere and the density of the pollens that belong to these taxa differ due to meteorological factors. In this research, density of pollens found in atmosphere of Camkoru (Ankara) and the plant taxa which they belong to were defined. Correlation between density of pollens of the defined taxa and several meteorological factors (mean temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and rainfall) was investigated.

Materials and Methods: In this aeropalynologic research that took place troughout 2003-2004, Durham sampler, which is the practice device of gravimetric technique, was used to gather pollens in Camkoru atmosphere.

Results: In this research, 31.849/cm2 pollens were detected in the Camkoru`s athmosphere that belong to 12 tree or tree-like plant and 15 bushes with a total of 27 different taxa. Pinaceae, Poaceae, Quercus and Cupressaceae/Taxaceae are the taxa found in the athmosphere of Camkoru with the percentage higher than 1%. The period between may and august were determined to be the time that the pollens in the athmosphere of Camkoru have the highest density.

Conclusion: With this research, the pollen calendar Camkoru-Ankara was arranged for two years. We think that this calendar will help to the preperation of allergen pannels. More effective treatment plans for patients with pollen related allergic symptoms might be developed because of having knowledge about taxa density in the atmosphere.

Keywords : Aeropalynology, allergic symptoms, Durham sampler, gravimetric technique, pollen