Severe asthma (SA) is defined as asthma that is uncontrolled under high-dose ICS+LABA treatment or can only be controlled with this high-dose treatment, with a differential diagnosis from difficult asthma. It has been known that severe asthmatics with poor symptom control were reported as 3.7% (range between 3.6-6.1%). Although SA constitutes a very small proportion of all asthmatics, it causes a significant social and psychological burden on patients and on social reimbursement systems. The Turkish Severe Asthma Program (TSAP) was established by stakeholders that include the Turkish National Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (TNSACI), representatives from national severe asthma centers, and those from the pharmaceutical industry to develop standards to diagnose and treat patients with SA and to monitor their treatments at the national level. Here we present the TSAP organization and vision.