Asthma Allergy Immunology

Asthma Allergy Immunology

2023, Vol 21, Num, 2     (Pages: 120-127)

Allergen Sensitivity in Patients with Allergic Respiratory Tract Symptoms in Izmir and its Environs, Aegean Region of Turkey

Ferda BILGIR 1, Yusuf UZUM 2, Orhan BALIKCI 2, Ugur Bayram KORKMAZ 2, Bahadir DEDE 3,

1 Department of Allergy and Immunology, İzmir Katip Celebi University, Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, İzmir, Turkey
2 Department of Internal Medicine, İzmir Katip Celebi University, Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, İzmir, Turkey
3 Department of Public Health, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Faculty of Medicine, Muğla, Turkey

DOI: 10.21911/aai.217
Viewed: 1180
Downloaded : 535

Objective: Respiratory tract allergies are common chronic diseases worldwide. Allergens have regional differences and vary from time to time. In this study, the aeroallergen sensitivity in our region was intended to be updated.

Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective, regional study evaluating the skin prick test (SPT) results and information forms of 13410 patients who presented atour institution between January 2014 and March 2020. The relationship of allergen positivity with age and gender was analyzed.

Results: The mean age of the study population was 38 years. In terms of gender, 71.1% of them were female, and 28.9% were male. The SPT positivity was 41.1%. Of the 13.7% of the patients had sensitivity toa single allergen, and 27.4% had sensitivity to multiple allergens. The most common allergens were weeds (54%), grass-ryepollens (45%), olive pollen (44%), and dust mites (38%). It was observed that allergen positivity was associated with age and gender. Most of our patients were women, but allergen positivity was higher in men. It was observed that allergen positivity decreased with increasing age.

Conclusion: Recognition of regional allergens contributes to protective measures and leverages immunotherapy. This study has enabled us to learn about aeroallergen sensitivity in our region.

Keywords : Allergic sensitization, skin prick test, age, gender