Spontaneous pneumomediastinum (SPM) is the manifestation of air in the mediastinum in the non-attendance of trauma and it is uncommon. We showed spontaneous pneumomediastinum, a rare complication after an asthma attack. ABPM is a rare disease, often associated with severe asthma. Fungal sensitization is an issue in severe asthma and this type of sensitization is important in terms of drawing attention to different complications in a case. Although the patient`s mold and yeast mixture (Mx2) allergen-specific immunoglobulin E-ImmunoCAP system (Phadia 100, Phadia, Uppsala, Sweden) was positive, no susceptibility to aspergillus was detected in specific IgE and skin tests. Total IgE was 2560 kU/L. Our asthmatic patient with candida albicans and penicillium sensitivity on skin test was diagnosed with allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis (ABPM). This case highlights the importance of raising awareness that there may be an increased risk of SPM in Asthmatics with ABPM.